A Bunch About Sam

Sam Bracken or Sam Ruiz depending on the genre is just a normal day dreamer from Southern Utah.

I have lived in Utah my entire life and hope to one day travel to broaden my view. However books have become my escape since my family never really had much money for me to do things. This sparked my creativity to start writing stories that I wanted to see starting with A Memory for You.

I was married to my first husband by 18 and had my son Corielee, CJ, by 19 with my ex. Eventually we drifted apart and while seperated and before finishing the divorce I actually met the love of my life Eastman. Soon after we had two more baby girls Riddley and Katerina, Kit-Kat. Bringing our total of kids to 5 between his two before we were married, Aleena and Lili.

As time goes on I get more ideas for books to write but never enough time in a day to write haha. Between being a mom, wife and working full time with troubled teens I have to make time for myself to write or do schoolwork.

The Hubby

This is Eastman, Mr. Sam haha, anyways we grew up 3 miles from each other but never really connected until we were adults.

Important us dates: July 17 - when we started dating & Nov 10 - our wedding anniversary

The girls

These are my two little girls Riddley and Katerina

The boy

This is my little boy CorieLee

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