A Memory For You

In the urban fantasy novel, AMemory for You, readers are immersed in the intertwined perspectives of D,Alex, and their family as they grapple with the disorienting effects of atwisted new world. D, an introverted and shy individual, finds himself in aperpetual state of uncertainty since he lost his memory during his youth.Meanwhile, Alex, a stubborn and grumpy young woman, has spent years obsessivelysearching for him. This book is a treasure trove for those who have afascination with magic and a desire to explore their own identity.

The Demons New Princess

Through the eyes of Marley-Jean,known as MJ, readers experience the apocalyptic fantasy world of The Demons NewPrincess. She finds herself in the midst of a natural disaster and demonicapocalypse, with the weight of leadership for ten individuals thrust upon her. MJ,a resilient and self-reliant woman, was raised under the oppressive reign ofher power-hungry mother. However, she embraced the lessons imparted by hermother and transformed into the best version of herself. If you appreciate apowerful female leader, a varied group of characters, enchanted creatures, andthe theme of discovering family, this book will captivate you.

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